Serves 60
Enough cubed leftover bread to fill a deep sheet tray
2 cups butter
2 cups brown sugar
2 cups chopped pecans
14 cups milk
28 eggs
2 Tbls and 1 tsp vanilla
4 cups white sugar
2 tsp nutmeg
Instructions: ( serve either hot or chilled )
Preheat oven to 300
Butter or oil a deep sheet tray
Put cubed leftover bread into tray
Scald milk in a saucepan
In a large bowl beat together eggs, sugar, and vanilla
Slowly whisk in the scalded milk
Pour liquid over the bread
In a separate sauce pan melt the butter and stir in the brown sugar until smooth
Add nutmeg and pecans to caramel mixture and sprinkle over the bread
Place sheet tray inside another with water and bake in water bath at 300 for 50-60 mins