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Egg Foam with Chive Infusion



6 eggs, at room temperature

50 g (1.8 ounce) cold butter

100 g (3.5 ounce) heavy cream



Chive Infusion:

100g (3.5 ounce) chicken stock

30 g (1 ounce) chives


Boil eggs for 4 minutes (runny yolk). Eggs should be at room temperature before you place them in the boiling water, or they may crack. Once the eggs have boiled for 4 minutes, drain off the water and run them under cold water to stop the cooking. Using an Egg Topper, carefully remove the top of the shell and use a small spoon to scoop out the egg. Save the shells for presentation.

Combine the eggs with the butter, heavy cream, salt and nutmeg in a blender, and blend for about 1 minute. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve and pour into the ISI whip. Screw the cream charger in, and shake vigorously.

For the chive infusion, mix the ingredients in a blender for about 1 minute and pass through a fine sieve.

Serve the egg foam back in the cleaned out egg shell, and garnish with the chive infusion. Serve with bread.

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